Getting older is a natural part of life, but accepting it can sometimes bring on some challenges for us especially as women. We're bombarded with images of young girls with flawless skin and bodies, and it can make accepting our aging bodies a little difficult. Well at some point we have to accept our reality, and know that as we journey through the process there is something we can do to make it a little easier. Where do we start, then what do we do, and how much is it going to cost me? Over time, I've had to find my own personal regimen and what works for me and I can say that it doesn't have to be hard or expensive.

There's a wealth of information out there with products and procedures, but who is right? How do you weed through all the noise? Growing up I remember watching my mother and her simple routine. She was always a beautiful woman to me and her process was easy. Wash her face and use Oil of Olay. That was it and it seemed to work. Of course I started to do the same, but around thirty years old I heard a woman named Paula Begoun talking about her personal journey in understanding her own skin and how to care for it. She researched and learned so much which helped her to build a reputable beauty empire.
I wanted to understand my own skin better and soon after watching Paula I found and read her online beautypedia. This guide broke down everything I needed to know regarding developing a good skin care regimen and why it was necessary. It gave a great list of products for all all skin types which made it easy for me to select products based on my skin care needs. It also taught me how to avoid the gimmicks that so many companies use to draw us in. Reading this I learned the foundation of cleansing, toning, exfoliating and moisturizing. The basis of this process was a little of what my mother was doing but with a couple additional steps. I learned how to build my own routine over time to include treating my skin for certain things (like acne) and preventing some issues (like early wrinkles)
In time I've developed a consistent routine I do both day and night. I've had to make adjustments too. Around thirty five I started developing a bad case of acne. I mean I didn't have acne that bad as a teenager so I was baffled. I couldn't keep with my natural routine and had to scrap it for a few years to use something else while my skin recovered. Once it healed I tested my routine again, and when there were no problems I've been able to stick with my original regimen.

At forty five my skin routine hasn't changed much except for adding things like retinol and my Diy Vitamin C serum. I'm not someone who wants to spend a ton of money on products either and so my routine includes drug store products and items I order online that don't cost an exorbitant amount of money. If you know me you know I use coupons and wait for sales which helps keep my costs down too. And let's not forget our skin is also affected by the things we put into our bodies. The more water we drink and the less processed our food is can also make a difference. I'm not perfect but my daily goal is to drink a gallon of water. Sometimes I hit that goal and sometimes I don't but I keep at it.
Understanding your skin and what it needs can make a difference in this aging game we play. In time as you establish a consistent routine you'll see results that will shift the lack of confidence. I have used my knowledge to start my daughters on a routine when they became teenagers and hopefully it's something they will stick with it as they grow and mature. Whether you call it anti-aging or aging gracefully, neither should be looked at negatively. Find what works for you and embrace the beautiful skin you're in. Do you have a skin care routine you follow or do you need to start one?